Category: exercise

Jul20th 2021

Boxing For Balance

Did You Know Boxing Could Help You Improve Your Balance? ​Balance is a big deal in our everyday world, but we take it for granted. Just think how long it took you to master walking, running, and jumping as a child.  Your balance system is incredibly complex, and allows you to walk around over steps,

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Stay Active Jan10th 2021

Do You Work From a Desk? That Doesn’t Mean You Can’t Still Be Active!

At our physical therapy clinic, we see hard-working patients who want to excel in their careers and provide for their families—but it’s hard to do that when dealing with an injury. Unfortunately, many people eventually realize that it’s the sedentary nature of their job that’s directly impacting their health and job performance. Everyone needs to

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Stretching Dec20th 2020

Did You Know You Could Benefit From Stretching Both Before and After Your Workout?

Working out on a regular basis is a great way to improve and maintain good health. If you’re not stretching before and after your workout, however, you’re not really taking advantage of a complete workout routine. Stretching exercises are a staple of physical therapy for many reasons. In fact, there are several specific benefits of

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